Donor Program
The Busy Bee Band and Honeybees of East Fairmont High School in Fairmont, West Virginia is a premier high school marching band, rich in history and tradition. The unique name of the group was adopted in the summer of 1969 and has continued to be well known and respected for 55 years. The band is currently over 100 members strong and is expected to grow to 200 members within the next 2 years.
To keep the band’s rich history and tradition alive, we are asking you to consider supporting the band by making a monetary donation to the Donor Recognition Wall. The Donor Recognition Wall will be displayed at the entrance hallway of East Fairmont High School.
Please see the Donor Levels below and complete the accompanying donor form and send along with your payment.
Maestro Circle $5,000 and Up: Includes 6 Engraved Plaques on Donor wall, Full Page Follies Ad, Halftime Recognition during Home Football Games, Name displayed on banner at Home Football and Basketball Games, Name on Tag in a Uniform, Recognition on Band Social Media.
Golden Baton Circle $2,500 - $4,999: Includes 5 Engraved Plaques on Donor wall, Follies Sponsor Ad, Name on Tag in a Uniform, Recognition on Band Social Media.
Silver Baton Circle $1,500 - $2,499: Includes 4 Engraved Plaques on Donor Wall, Follies Contribution Ad, Name on Tag in a Uniform.
Patron Circle $1,000 - $1,499: Includes 3 Engraved Plaques on Donor Wall, Recognition in Follies program, Name on Tag in a Uniform.
Sponsor Circle $500 - $999: Includes 2 Engraved Plaque on Donor Wall, Recognition in Follies program, Name on Tag in a Uniform.
Special Donors $100 - $499: Includes 1 Engraved Plaque on Donor Wall, Recognition in Follies Program.
Honorable Mention Up to $99: Recognition in Follies Program.
Follies Ads and Public Recognitions apply to 2024 - 2025 school year. Donation Form
Current Donors
A very special "Thank You" to those who started contributing to our Donor Wall Fund and Uniform Fund!
Maestro Circle:
City of Pleasant Valley
Marion County Commission
Golden Baton Circle:
Silver Baton Circle:
Patron Circle:
Rogers Electrical Contracting Company, Inc.
Dr Jeff and Kimberly (Bean) Castle
City of Whitehall
Sponsor Circle:
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Isaac Flohr
Ford Funeral Homes (Lauren Ford)
Bane and Moon Heating Company (Kevin Estel)
Caleb Helm
Joshua & Karalee McPherson
Jeffery S Zinn
Karen & Tim Mersinger
SJ/MJ Graves
Special Donors:
Jim and Coleen Casto
Gwynn Tire Service (Tyler DeVault)
Bennett & Dobbins PLLC
Cardinal Pediatrics (Nancy Sheets)
Dry Cleaning World (Todd Morgan)
Bonafield Orthodontics (Dr. Cynthia Bonafield)
Bandland (Susan Jones or Evan Jones)
Sight and Sounds Systems, Inc.
James and Asanna Wyant (JD Signs)
Rhonda Starn
Sandra Gibson Howard
Deborah Boggs
Honorable Mention:
Pool Queen
Marlene "Katie" Musgrave