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Pre - 1968

1967 - 1968

The Busy Bee Band & Honeybees present their 1967 Field Show
The Busy Bee Band & Honeybees present their 1967 Field Show

The Busy Bee Band & Honeybees present their 1967 Field Show

"Queen Bee" Kathy Malone directs the EFHS "Busy Bee Band"

Left: "Queen Bee" Kathy Malone directs the EFHS "Busy Bee Band" during the half-time show at the East-Mannington football game

John Heck and Larry Davis practice, band commander John Onderko serves as director in the absence of the teacher

Above: WHILE HIS ASSISTANTS John Heck and Larry Davis practice, band commander John Onderko serves as director in the absence of the teacher

1967-68 Busy Bee Band & Honeybees prepare for spring concert

1965 - 1966

1965 Busy Bee Band in Veterans Day Parade

MARCHING IN THE VETERANS DAY PARADE, November 11, are the East High band members.  They also performed at the East-West clash later this afternoon.

1964 - 1965

1964-65 Busy Bee Band at East Faimont High Scool

The 1964-65 group in the East Fairmont High School Auditorium

Majorettes, Band Go To Miami Beach in June 1963

File0038.Band Go To Miami Beach in June 1963jpg

LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT . . . East Fairmont's band and majorettes went to Miami Beach from June 21 to 26.  While there, they stayed at the Kimberly Motel, took a boat cruise to the Everglades, had a pool party and, above, performed in the annual Lion's Parade.

1957 - 1958

1957-1958 East Fairmont Busy Bee Band

BAND - First row: Band Captain Connie Canfield, Robert Donley, Bill Ebert, Sue Campbell, Doris Knotts, Mike Powers.  Second row: Marie Hayhurst, Karen Kerns, Virginia Borowski, Sharon Tennant, Shirley Casto, Mary Nanni, Marilee Hohmamn, Ron Matthews, Robert Ellis, Jude Nuzeum, Nancy Berry, John Cosco, Don Gamble, Jon Bush.  Third row: Doris Nelson, Gloria Gasgow, Sharon Orr, Sue Butcher, Juanita Villers, Frank Rundle, David Shmell, Bob Amos, Nelson Forney, Elizabeth Merrifield, JOhn Bonner, Tommy Michael, David Boyce, Robert Turner.  Fourth row: Brenda Wilson, William Greenlee, Paul Potesta, Richard Kisner, Larry Fortney, Joe Cooper, Charles Garlow, Carolyn Fortney, Mary Norris, Dannell Seccurro, Don Newcombe, Francis Springer and Head Majorette Jona Rae Pyles.

1955 - 1956

1955-1965 East Fairmont Busy Bee Band

First Row, left to right: Yvonne Bunner, Eloyce Parsons, Beverly Baker, Connie Canfield, Marilyn Jackson, John Puffenburger, Colleen Wagley, Mary Amos, Betty Prunty, Patty Saurborn, Carolyn Criss.  Second row: Jona Pyles, Jack Ingram, Alan Yates, Doris Knotts, Mary Boyce, Nancy Berry, Robert Ellis, Frances Springer.  Third row: Sandra Walters, Margie Kisner, Lorraine Poling, Patty Cutrone.  Fourth row: Jonie Williamson, Vaughn Turner, Don Gamble, James Talkington, Patsy Cosco, Gloria Postlewaite, Kitty Steele.  Fifth row: Darrell Jackson, Joe Cooper, Don Jarvis.

1946 - 1947

1946-1947 East Fairmont Busy Bee Band

Officers for the band this year are Jack Fisher, students band director, and Anna Jane Satterield as secretary, with Glenn Arnett as director.


During the football season the band participated at all games with even the ones awes from home.  During the basketball sectional and regional tournaments the band also put on a great performance.


The majorettes have been under the direction of Mrs. Joan Willis.  They are as follows:  Mary Tennant, as Drum Major, and Better Everly as assistant, with Navcy Brandon, Dorise Garber, Ruth Harris, Madeline Linn, Janet Wheley, GGenevieve Woodly, and Mary Ellen McCloksey as majorettes.  Substitutes are Doris Lee Shaffer, Phyllis Jean Campbell, and Cleo Hoskinson.  Band sponsors are Barbara Atha, senior, Ettajean Dodd, Junionk Joann Hollen, Sophomore, and Joan Springer, Frehman.




Barbara Arnett

Donna Arnett

Joanna Arnett

Kenny Arnett

Karil Balderson

Earl Balsley

Mildred Bray

Doris Brennerman

Zelma Brooks

Geogre Coffman

Eugene Corathers

Norma Corley

Mary Danser

Donald Delaney

Eldora Eddy

Nancy Fawley

Barbar Fleming

Laura Holt

Cora Kramer

Lames Lathan

Joann Lathan

James Law

Gerald Michael

Lois Mitchell

Donna Mylone

Tommy Morris

Better Patton

Ralph Pellegrin

Rosemary Pellegrin]

Joseph Rider

Anna Jane Satterfield

Jacqueline Satterfield

Mary Scritchfield

David Springer

John Springer

Richard Stuart

George Stutler

Robert Swiger

Doris Jean Tolle

James Willis


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